Sunday, March 25, 2007

Launch Day!

Welcome everyone to Roberto's website! We are having what most people call a wonderful spring after the very cold winter we experienced. Unfortunately for Roberto it is warming up outside very quickly and yesterday it got to the point that it was too hot for Roberto to play outside. It is hard watching him watch other children through a window having fun playing and doing the things that he wants to do. And yes the air conditioning in now on at our house. Please, with your support and donations we can get Roberto the therapy pool he needs that will allow him to increase his muscle strength, burn off his hyperactivity - SAFELY!, and keep him walking as long as possible. Please share Roberto's website and story with everyone you know! God Bless You All, for You are Roberto's Angels!


Anonymous said...

If Roberto has nothing to do during the warmer months, consider investing in a Gamecube and some non-violent games (like Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog). I spent a good chunk of my childhood playing with my old NES and I turned out alright :)

Good luck getting that pool though. Kids his age need to exercise.

Unknown said...

O.K. fine but mind the precautions with your pool...If the water chemistry is within reasonable ranges you'll be fine. Chlorine or bromine should be from 1ppm to 5ppm. PH should be between 7.2 and 7.8. Alkalinity should be no more than 180ppm, and cyanaric acid shouldn't be higher than 100ppm. If you can't test it yourself most stores that sell pool chemicals will test it for free.Or you may also visit aquabot for further information or any kind of doubts... If you can't find one call a service tech to test it or buy a test kit. Chlorine and bromine are the only ones to even be slightly concerned with but even if those are completely jacked up the breasts will be fine for breastfeeding once the pool water evaporates. If it still bothers you just wash with soap and water.
May be this looks a somewhat complicated to you but these are the must for healthy get going.....

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